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Health Passport Programme
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Health Passport Project - Evaluation Form
Indicates required field
Family name
Would you like Wishing Well to keep you informed about our work?
I am happy to receive updates from the charity about new projects
I do not want to be involved in any future projects or to receive any updates
I would like to actively help set up new projects and so please keep me informed of how I could help
Number of Adults that have benefited from the project, please include anyone you may have passed food to from your weekly boxes
How often did your family complete the Food Challenge?
Every or most weeks
About half of the weeks
Less than half of the weeks
How organised would you say the project was?
Well organised. It was clear from the start of the project what to expect and communication was good throughout the project
Organisation was ok bt there were a few aspects that could have been improved
The organisation clearly had some gaps as I regularly felt confused or lacked information required
Number & ages of children that have benefited from the project, please include anyone you may have passed excess food to
How often did your family complete the Exercise challenge?
Every or most weeks
About half of the weeks
None of less than half of the weeks
Use of photos and films you uploaded to the Facebook group
We are happy or Wishing Well to use the photos we have provided on the website and in any funding applications
We only give permission for photos to be used in funding proposals and not on the public website
We would prefer that no photos are used on the website or in funding proposals
How has this project benefited your family? Please provide as much detail as you can
How did you find out about the project and how has COVID-19 affected your family?
Any other Comments